About Me

My name is Jing Li. I am currently a postdoc in Zhu Research Lab at UCLA. My current research focuses on exploring health impacts of different sources of fine and ultrafine aerosol particles. I previously worked as a postdoc in Hoffmann Lab at Caltech, where I led the project of developing portable and rapid microbial analysis tools for resource-limited settings. I finished my doctoral degree in 2018 under the advisement of Dr. Maosheng Yao at Peking University, China. My PhD project addressed some significant questions in environmental health field, particularly in bioaerosols and health.

Research Interests

  • Bioaerosols
  • Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs)
  • Ambient particulate matter (PM) toxicity
  • Development of digital microbial analysis tools for environmental samples


Degree Institution Year
Ph.D. in Environmental Science Peking University, China 2013-2018
B.S. in Environmental Engineering University of Science & Technology, Beijing, China 2009-2013


My research aims to understand the exposure risks of ambient particulate matter (PM) and its biological contents (bioaerosols) as well as the aerial transport of airborne antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) on a global scale by collecting and analyzing automobile air conditioning filters worldwide. My research also focuses on the development and application of digital microbial analysis tools for the underdeveloped part of the world. The overarching goal of my research is better understanding the health impacts of environmental microbes to inform effective decision-making.

Microbial analysis tools

Quantification of pathogens (e.g. SARS-CoV-2, Salmonella Typhi) in wastewaters and ambient waters is critical for environmental surveillance and for early detection of outbreaks. My postdoc research has been focusing on the development and application of portable and rapid microbial detection methods for the underdeveloped part of the world. One of the significant achievements is the membrane-based in-gel loop-mediated isothermal amplification (mgLAMP) system. Absolute quantification of SARS-CoV-2 can be achieved using our integrated device prototype in large volumes of environmental water and wastewater samples within an 1h-timeframe.

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Airborne antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs)

We are now facing a looming health threat from antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and associated antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). The airborne transmission of ARGs has received little attention. Airborne ARGs when inhaled could likewise induce the disequilibrium of respiratory tract bacterial community and thus affect the immune system if up-taken and further expressed by human-borne bacteria. Due to the aerial transport, even remote regions without antibiotics usage could be exposed to “second hand” ARGs. My work uncovered for the first time that the global urban air is being contaminated by ARGs, and that different cities are challenged with varying health risks associated with airborne ARG exposure.

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Particulate matter (PM) toxicity

Air quality is often assessed using PM mass concentration without considering its toxicity, thus possibly leading to improper control policies or inadequate health protection. My work revealed that although for certain cities with higher PM mass concentration, the PM toxicity per unity of mass, however, were lower compared to those with lower PM mass concentration levels. My work also showed that the PM toxicity was influenced by microbial fractions such as endotoxin and fungi. We highlight the importance in optimizing the current air quality control measures by considering the toxicity factor and its microbial constituents.

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Google Scholar profile

First/Corresponding author

Yanzhe Zhu, Xunyi Wu, Alan Gu, Leopold Dobelle, Clément A. Cid, Jing Li*, and Michael R. Hoffmann* (2022), Membrane-based in-gel Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (mgLAMP) System for SARS-CoV-2 Quantification in Environmental Waters, Environmental Science & Technology: 56, 2, 862–873. (Selected as the Non-PCR winner in Rapid Wastewater SARS-CoV-2 Testing Challenge held by Water Environmental Foundation) Link

Jing Li, Yanzhe Zhu, Xunyi Wu, Michael R Hoffmann* (2020), Rapid detection methods for bacterial pathogens in ambient waters at the point of sample collection: A brief review, Infectious Diseases, 71 (Supplement_2): S84-S90.Link

Jing Li, Haoxuan Chen, Xinyue Li, Minfei Wang, Xiangyu Zhang, Junji Cao*, Fangxia Shen, Yan Wu, Siyu Xu, Hanqing Fan, Guillaume Da, Rujin Huang, Jing Wang, Chak K. Chan, Alma Lorelei de Jesus, Lidia Morawska, Maosheng Yao* (2019), Differing toxicity of ambient particulate matter (PM) in global cities, Atmospheric Environment, 212, 305-315.Link

Jing Li, Junji Cao, Yongguan Zhu, Qinglin Chen, Fangxia Shen, Yan Wu, Siyu Xu, Hanqing Fan, Guillaume Da, Rujin Huang, Jing Wang, Alma Lorelei de Jesus, Lidia Morawska, Chak K. Chan, Jordan Peccia, Maosheng Yao* (2018), Global survey of antibiotic resistance genes in air, Environmental Science and Technology, 52: 10975-10984. (Selected as the ES&T Cover, ES&T’s Best Papers of 2018 and ACS Editors’ Choice, Recommended in Faculty Opinions, Featured by ACS as an “Embargoed Press Release”, AAAS EurekAlert!, China Daily, Yahoo! News, etc.)Link

Jing Li, Maosheng Yao* (2018), State-of-the-art status on airborne antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes (in Chinese), Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine, 52 (4): 440-445.Link

Jing Li, Liantong Zhou, Xiangyu Zhang, Caijia Xu, Liming Dong*, Maosheng Yao* (2016), Bioaerosol emissions and detection of airborne antibiotic resistance genes from a wastewater treatment plant, Atmospheric Environment, 124, 404-412.Link

Jing Li, Qi Chen, Xinyue Li, Maosheng Yao* (2014), Rapid point-of-use water purification using nanoscale zero valent iron (nZVI) particles, Chinese Science Bulletin, 59 (29/30): 3926-3934.Link

Jing Li, Mingzhen Li, Fangxia Shen, Zhuanglei Zou, Maosheng Yao*, Chang-Yu Wu (2013), Characterization of biological aerosol exposure risks from automobile air conditioning system, Environmental Science and Technology, 47: 10660-10666. Link


Alan Y. Gu, Yanzhe Zhu, Jing Li, Michael R. Hoffmann* (2021), Speech-generated aerosol settling times and viral viability can improve COVID-19 transmission prediction, Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 2: 34-45.

Haijie Tong*, Fobang Liu, Alexander Filippi, Jake Wilson, Andrea M Arangio, Yun Zhang, Siyao Yue, Steven Lelieveld, Fangxia Shen, Helmi-Marja K Keskinen, Jing Li, Haoxuan Chen, Ting Zhang, Thorsten Hoffmann, Pingqing Fu, William H Brune, Tuukka Petäjä, Markku Kulmala, Maosheng Yao, Thomas Berkemeier, Manabu Shiraiwa, Ulrich Pöschl (2021), Aqueous-phase reactive species formed by fine particulate matter from remote forests and polluted urban air, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21: 10439–10455.

Yanzhe Zhu, Jing Li, Xingyu Lin, Xiao Huang, Michael R. Hoffmann* (2021). A hydrogel beads based platform for single-cell phenotypic analysis and digital molecular detection, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 4 (3): 2664-2674.

Siwen Wang, Yanzhe Zhu, Yang Yang, Jing Li, Michael R. Hoffmann* (2020), Electrochemical cell lysis of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: DNA extraction from environmental water samples, Electrochimica Acta, 135864.

Xunyi Wu, Xiao Huang, Yanzhe Zhu, Jing Li, Michael R. Hoffmann* (2020), Synthesis and Application of Superabsorbent Polymer Microspheres for Rapid Concentration and Quantification of Microbial Pathogens in Ambient Water, Separation and Purification Technology, 116540.

Haoxuan Chen, Xiangyu Zhang, Ting Zhang, Xinyue Li, Jing Li, Yang Yue, Minfei Wang, Yunhao Zheng, Hanqing Fan, Jing Wang, and Maosheng Yao* (2020), Ambient PM Toxicity Is Correlated with Expression Levels of Specific MicroRNAs, Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (16): 10227-10236.

Haoxuan Chen, Jing Li, Xiangyu Zhang, Xinyue Li, Maosheng Yao*, Gengfeng Zheng* (2018), Automated in vivo nano-sensing of breath-borne protein biomarkers, Nano Letters, 18: 4716-4726.

Yunhao Zheng, Jing Li, Haoxuan Chen, Ting Zhang, Xinyue Li, Minfei Wang, Maosheng Yao* (2018), Bioaerosol research: Yesterday, today and tomorrow (in Chinese), Chinese Science Bulletin, 63: 878-894.

Yang Yue, Haoxuan Chen, Ari Setyan, Miriam Elser, Maria Dietrich, Jing Li, Ting Zhang, Xiangyu Zhang, Yunhao Zheng, Jing Wang*, Maosheng Yao* (2018), Size-resolved endotoxin and oxidizing potential of ambient particles in Beijing and Switzerland, Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (12): 6816-6824.

Kai Wei, Zhuanglei Zou, Yunhao Zheng, Jing Li, Fangxia Shen, Changyu Wu, Yan Wu, Min Hu, Maosheng Yao* (2016), Ambient bioaerosol particle dynamics observed during haze and sunny days in Beijing,Science of the Total Environment, 15 (550): 751-759.

Kai Wei#, Yunhao Zheng#, Jing Li#, Fangxia Shen, Zhuanglei Zou, Hanqing Fan, Xinyue Li, Chang-yu Wu, Maosheng Yao* (2015), Microbial aerosol characteristics in highly polluted and near pristine environments featuring different climatic conditions, Science Bulletin, 60 (16):1439-1447. (#Authors contribute equally)

Pengpeng Huang, Zhengfang Ye, Wuming Xie, Qi Chen, Jing Li, Zhencheng Xu, Maosheng Yao* (2013), Rapid magnetic removal of aqueous heavy metals and their relevant mechanisms using nanoscale zero valent iron (nZVI) particles, Water Research, 47: 4050-4058.

Qi Chen#, Jing Li#, Yan Wu, Fangxia Shen, Maosheng Yao* (2013), Biological responses of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria to nZVI (Fe0), Fe2+ and Fe3+, RSC Advances, 3: 13835-13842. (#Authors contribute equally)

Qi Chen, Min Gao, Jing Li, Fangxia Shen, Yan Wu, Zhenqiang Xu, Maosheng Yao* (2012), Inactivation and magnetic separation of bacteria from liquid suspensions using electrosprayed and nonelectrosprayed nZVI particles: Observations and mechanisms, Environmental Science and Technology, 46 (4): 2360-2367.


Membrane-Based in-Gel Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (mgLAMP) System Enables Rapid Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 in Large-Volume Environmental Waters (2021). Michael R. Hoffmann, Jing Li, Yanzhe Zhu, Xunyi Wu, Alan Gu, Léopold Dobelle, Clément A. Cid. US Patent Number US20220162686A1. International Patent Number WO2022115187A1.Link


Mailing Address

UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
650 Charles E. Young Drive South
51-295A CHS
Los Angeles, CA 90095



